Custom Portrait Painting of New-born baby and his Daddy

Custom Portrait Painting of New-born baby and his Daddy

Custom Portrait Painting of New-born baby and his Daddy

This is an custom oil painting with full of love to his baby.
Daddy puts his baby on one of his arm, the baby lies on the arm steady.
It¡¯s quite an interesting thing to have such oil painting from photo.

The daddy¡¯s posture is quite good, it won¡¯t have such good effect if the baby is bigger,
as it not easy to hold the baby with one hand when the baby grows up..
The daddy just like a big tree and give his whole love & protection to his baby.
The new born baby is innocent and pure, we just can¡¯t help kissing and touching him.
So if you have such a cute baby, why not try making such a oil painting and put it one the wall of his room,
making it become his forever memory.
You will no longer have it if you miss it.
